since 2015

Who is Charles Dussé (PhD)?
Sexual Integrity
& Life Recovery Coach
Life RECOVERY Coach and Certified Mentor
Charles is the founder of Bethnoah (Place of Rest) based in Scotland but helping men break free from their life-dominating struggle with pornography and healing their broken marriages since 2015 all over the
Charles is qualified as
A Certified PSAP (Pastoral Sex Addiction Professional), certified through IITAP (International Institution for Trauma and Addiction Specialists)
A professional Certified Life Recovery Coach with Light University – the training arm of AACC (American Association of Christian Counsellors).
A Certified Integrity Mentor with Bravehearts University.
Although his approach requires ruthless accountability and possessing a mentality of being willing ‘to do whatever it takes to fight for freedom and to restore marriages, all the principles applied and disciplines instilled, are rooted in Scripture and lead to the place that Christ calls His ‘rest’ where all who are ‘weary and heavy laden’ can come to Him (Matthew 11:28).
Charles has 30 years of experience in spiritual and educational leadership. He completed a Ph.D. on the metaphors in ‘Song of Songs’ and applied its
principles of ‘couples treasuring each other in coaching and mentoring couples in marriage restoration with his wife Carin.
His certificate in Disclosure Procedures and Carin’s certification in spousal empathy as a trained trauma therapist, further inform their approach in assisting couples to rebuild the foundations of broken marriages after betrayal and infidelity.
The Redemptive Reconciliation Process constitutes the foundational steps for the effective restoration of marriages torn apart by pornography and
unfaithfulness – Carin, a trained therapist with APSATS and the Naked Truth, uses to guide couples to healing and wholeness.